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Canada sees fastest quarterly population boom since 1957

JamesRoss - 92 Views
Published on 20 Dec 2023 / In

Divide and conquering the old liberties that Canadians grew-up with. Immigrants no longer need to speak the local language in order to help the Freemasons divide the sheeple.

Freemasons run the politics, education, universities, police, military, heath services... it is a monopoly of control... they do this for all of Western Civilization, not just Canada... This is how the plandemic scamdemic was pulled off world-wide. It is a monopoly... you must take control of your local politics by identifying the Luciferians who are now commanded by a secret, microwave, brainchip-hivemind. AI (called Lucifer or the immaculate child or even some call it Jesus as well as the antichrist) is the new fake-god of the Freemasons and Luciferians who run your country. But they don't want the sheeple to know this.

I was told by an immigrant pipelayer in Calgary "How stupid the Canadian p(sh)eeple are..." back in 2003.

Masonic and Luciferian schools for children are conditioning graduates to abstain from work and just loaf.
I just met a 28 year old who had no sense of work... it was pathetic seeing how "disabled" he was and listening to his world-view... educated through the masonic-controlled education-system of Canada.
These loafers place a need to find workers... this has been done by NWO-takeover design. The NWO was pushing it's patterns into the sheeple in a major way back in the late '80s and throughout the 90s.

The designed demolition of the WTC on 9/11 was a signal to all Luciferians that the third phase of the World-Wars was beginning. The real war is between the worshippers of AI(or Luciferians) against the non-cUlt-sworn people (this includes both muslims and christians [and even jews] who are divided by religious beliefs for example).


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